Creating sensitivity training classes with BOOTCAMP

Drip, Drip, Drip!

All the benefits without any sweat!

A single session is excellent, but ongoing training and consistent coaching can create change!

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Ready, set, Customize!

Creating custom sensitivity training classes is easier than you think!

Need one-on-one training to help facilitate change? We recommend our Sensitivity Training Bootcamp series! Adjusting behavior, habits and looking inward at our communication techniques isn’t easy for most people. We have personal norms that cloud our ability to self-reflect. Our community can also confirm our behavior. However, to operate successfully within a globally connected and multi-dimensional workplace, we must consider the perception others may have of us.

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Custom for each learner.

Change is different for everyone. Boxed training might provide context and compliance data for your learner but rarely provides practical application or relatable examples. Our custom training addresses specific concerns based on your learner's needs, personality, and organizational role. Our learning evolution plan will consider the learner's state rather than just focusing on the list of compliance needs. Your trainer can adapt each session based on your learner's understanding and readiness to evolve.

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Review: Approval and Support

Change you approve. Our custom plans include content approval and discovery calls before every training event. Understanding the planned training objectives better allows you to support and hold your learners accountable.

Sensitivity training classes can include:

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Reinforce: Consistent Actions Over Time

Change is hard. Providing one-time training helps set the tone but doesn't show your commitment to success. A series offers accountability milestones and opportunities for your learners to apply lessons within real situations through scenario-based evaluations and trainer-led social assignments.

Review Resistance

Change needs resistance. Mindlessly accepting new information doesn’t work. We need some resistance to consider new ideas. A series is better able to uncover the root cause and overcome resistance. Through thought-provoking and confidential discussion, your trainer gently challenges your team members to self-reflect and provide adaptation recommendations.

Need Support?

Trainer Chat

Need some support? During our sensitivity training classes, your team members can access support from the Oculus team via Whatsapp, text message, email, and online chat! Connect with an expert.

Easy Tech

Sensitivity training classes are accessible through a web browser, smartphone, or tablet. Your learners can log in even on their personal devices.

Trainer Chat For Bootcamp


Learn with an expert.

Webinar Example By Oculus



Trainer-led instruction time.

Once you have approved the training plan, the fun begins! Ask questions, discuss resistance, and have one-on-one face time with an expert! Our Bootcamp sensitivity training classes include 60 minutes of expert coaching.

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Practice coaching calls with a trainer.

Change comes with questions. Between training, your learners need the ability to ask questions or discuss ideas. Our coaching calls provide quick 20-minute one-on-one phone coaching to reinforce the goals, avoid action stalls, and ensure that training stays on the mind.

Learn at your own pace.




Put your training into practice!

In our sensitivity training classes, your trainer will encourage your learner by providing activities focusing on implementing the training into daily life.

Option 1

Hotel Training
Scenario Discussions


Option 2

Customer Service Training
One-on-one Coaching Call


Option 3

Record Webinars

Yes, in-person training provides in-depth coverage of sensitivity topics, but generally, only once or twice a year. In-person sessions also deliver a lot of content at once, resulting in some focus areas being forgotten or ignored. Our BOOTCAMP sensitivity training classes manage the learning curve to help deliver, reinforce, and remind through various mediums resulting in a greater possibility of success.

Compliance-based or one-time training can be excellent for providing required information to learners, but what happens if the learner claims they didn’t understand the content? What proof will you have that they had opportunities for questions, participation, reflection, and adaptation based on their personal level of comprehension? BOOTCAMP sensitivity training classes focus on personalization, evaluations, change over time, and many opportunities for questions. This will make claims of unawareness less likely.

Bootcamp Pricing.


Six Week Program


per learner


Three Month Program


per learner


Twelve Month Program


per learner

Change Starts Now!

Schedule a meeting with a trainer to get started designing your sensitivity training classes!