LGBT Sensitivity Training

Learn to respect people for who they are with our LGBT sensitivity training

The only identity you should have an opinion on is your own!

You may have assumed that because it is a new decade,  we no longer need to provide training on respectful engagement with the LGBTQIA2S+ community? Well, that’s a very optimistic assumption (we love you for it) because training is still often necessary.

Being a minority, of any type, comes with its own set of challenges. We must honour those who still face friction from others. Your team members will learn to engage others respectfully, but with a focus on the LGBTQIA2S+ community. We will discuss the LGBTQIA2S+ community definitions and their history. We will highlight what the concept of acceptance means and what to say, the idea of coming out, or, more importantly, what not to say.


Live & Custom


+ $14 / per learner

Your team will walk out the door with a new perspective on respect and dignity for all.



Your team will understand the importance of welcoming all identities and individuals into the work environment and better understand how to provide respect by acting on inclusion.


Words Mean Something

Your opinions and words mean something. You can have views on your own self, but you don’t have the right to tear down someone else.



Accepting someone means creating a welcoming environment, including them in activities, and treating them like you treat any other professional. We don’t have to show acceptance through verbalization.


Confidence & Change

We speak on both compliance and behavior, but our focus is on changing behaviors and ways of thinking. Your HR department can easily go through the “rules”, but changing actions is a whole other matter.

Seeing is believing.

Check out a sample of our training by watching this short LGBT sensitivity training video on respect for the LGBTQIA2S+ community!

Owl Video Cover

There are many topics we can include within our sensitivity training. Here are a few of our most requested.

Does your body language discriminate against the LGBTQIA2S+ community? What about your body language stereotypes? Let’s take a look at your non-verbal cues that may illustrate some of your sub-conscious phobias.

“Coming Out” is a personal experience for everyone. It is a positive experience for some, and for others, it can be traumatic. In this section, we will review what coming out means for the LGBTQIA2S+ community.

Avoiding pronouns, rephrasing how to create a sentence, or asking someone how to address them respectfully is the best way to value those who do not fit within the gender binary. In this module, we will review gender-neutral language techniques. We review those topics and more within this LGBT sensitivity training module.

In this section, we will review the history of the LGBTQIA2S+ community. We will discuss the challenges they face around the world, even today!

There are many terms to understand under the LGBTQIA2S+ umbrella. This section will review the most common words to understand, like gay, lesbian, bisexual, transgender, pansexual, queer, two-spirit, and more!

We will briefly discuss how we should not view someone’s orientation or identity as a preference.

We have to be careful that we do not subscribe to stereotypes, positive or negative, about the LGBTQIA2S+ community. It is crucial to get to know an individual and allow them to write their own story.

We have to allow everyone to write their own story, or in some cases, erase one and write another one. There is not just “one right way.“

In this LGBT sensitivity training section, we will discuss what you are really asking someone when you ask someone if they are a member of the LGBTQIA2S+ community.

This section will review what true “acceptance” really means and what it should look like within a workplace environment.

At work, we should always ensure that our words are professional amongst our team members. In this LGBT sensitivity training module, we will discuss some of the LGBTQIA2S+ centric words and phrases that should be on our no-no list.

100% Designed for you!

Custom Made

Our Respectful Engagement- LGBT sensitivity training is completely designed to fit with your team and your requirements! Our discovery and custom design process will allow you to focus on the areas of most concern. Easy, right?

Custom Training

Deliver your LGBT Sensitivity Training the way it works for you!

Web, in-person, recorded, hybrid, Bootcamp, or all of the above? Choose the training delivery option that fits your team and goals.

What are you waiting for? Let's get started on your LGBT sensitivity training!

Lgbt Sensitivity Training