How flex hours work?

What are flex hours and do do they work?

Are you wondering what flex hours are? Well, it is easy to understand! Really! We want you to have the best possible training experience here at Oculus, and we know that your needs may change and evolve from time to time. Sometimes live training works, sometimes you need webinars or even some one-on-one coaching. So, with you in mind, we have created the Flex Hour program to help you get the best of all worlds. You don’t have to choose just one option and stick with it. Let your goals and training needs make that choice for you. Depending on what you need at the time, you can use your flex hours towards any of the training options below:

Sounds easy, right? At Oculus, our mandate is to make change easy for you and our Flex Hours program is just another way that we can make that happen.


Are you ready to start designing your very own program with the Oculus crew? Click here to contact us and see how flexible we can be!

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